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Mapping the Colored Conventions Movement features a variety of interactive maps and timelines that allow us to explore the rich and vast history of the convention movement.

By creating these maps, using tools such as Neatline, we seek to share specialized research in this history with a broader public audience. We will be posting maps that illustrate the convention locations, the presence of women at the conventions, and much more.

Directory Maps

Conventions by City (2015) | (Full Screen)

Conventions by City (2014) | (Full Screen)

Map of the National Conventions (2014) | (Full Screen)

Women's Participation in the Conventions

Women Delegates (2014) | (Full Screen)

Women in the Conventions (2014) | (Full Screen)

Maps of Convention Hosts by Denomination

Conventions Hosted by A.M.E. Churches (2014) | (Full Screen)

Conventions Hosted by Baptist Churches (2014) | (Full Screen)

Conventions Hosted by Presbyterian Churches (2014) | (Full Screen)


(Date created) 


Jim Casey, Co-coordinator
Amanda Cooper-Ponte, Undergraduate Researcher
Hans Louis-Charles, Graduate Researcher
Gabrielle Foreman, Faculty Director

The choropleth map above made using Patrick Garvin's Mr. Map Generator.