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Deprecated: filter_var(): explicit use of FILTER_FLAG_SCHEME_REQUIRED and FILTER_FLAG_HOST_REQUIRED is deprecated in /home/coloredc/ on line 109

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HomeTranscribe Minutes

Transcribe Minutes

About the Project | Advanced Instructions | Why do you transcribe? | How does Transcribe Minutes work?

Alert: Transcribe Minutes is currently unavailable. Please sign up for any updates and events. All completed transcripts can be found on the Conventions page.

id . '" onclick="showPages(; return false">
' . item_image('square_thumbnail') ; ?>

Files; $count = 0; foreach (array_slice($files, 1) as $file): if(metadata($file, array('Scripto', 'Transcription'))) { $count++; } endforeach; $percent = round(($count/(count($files)-1))*100, 0); ?>

'14', 'tags'=>'transcribe', 'sort_field' => 'Dublin Core,Date'), 300); set_loop_records('Item', $items); ?>
