Tables and Maps

County map California; Map of the settlements in the Great Salt Lake country, Utah [inset] ; San Francisco Bay and vicinity [inset].<br />

Lionel Pincus and Princess Firyal Map Division, The New York Public Library. "County map California; Map of the settlements in the Great Salt Lake country, Utah [inset] ; San Francisco Bay and vicinity [inset]." The New York Public Library Digital Collections. 1863. 

Below are interactive visualizations that explore the trends and patterns among African Americans in California as well as the Colored Conventions held there.



Network Visualization of Delegates and Black Women of California in the Mid-nineteenth Century







MAPS "Colored" Population Change in the Gold Rush Counties of California (1850 and 1860 Federal Census)




Map of Black Institutions in Mid-Nineteenth Century California (1865 Colored Conventions Minutes)





Curators: Gabriel Barrett-Jackson, Emma Cones, Christina Delany, Lindsay Drapkin, Lila Gyory, Sydney Hemmindinger, Rosa Pleasant, Reilly Torres, Victoria Walker, Daniel Waruingi.  Created for Prof. Sharla Fett's History 213 Class, Occidental College, Spring 2016.

Edited by Sharla Fett, David Kim, P. Gabrielle Foreman, and Sarah Patterson.

Further Acknowledgments: Colored Conventions Project Exhibits Team: Samantha de Vera, Simone, and Kelli Coles for additional visualizations. 

Special thanks to Occidental College's Center for the Digital Liberal Arts and the Mellon Foundation for providing funding for the course and co-teaching expertise from Prof. David Kim.

The Colored Conventions Project proudly partners with national and local teaching partners and student contributors to bring the buried history of nineteenth-century Black political organizing to digital life.

Special thanks to Gale®, part of Cengage Learning, and Accessible Archives, for granting permission to host digital images of newspapers in its databases.

Special thanks to California Digital Newspaper Collection, Center for Bibliographic Studies and Research, University of California, Riverside, <>.