Advertisements in the Press


D. "The Emigration Convention." Provincial Freeman, 25 Mar. 1854. From Accessible Archives © 2016 Accessible Archives Inc.

Advertisements in Provincial Freeman

The Provincial Freeman published one of the first advertisements for the 1854 Emigration Convention on March 25th, 1854. It is important to note that although the Provincial Freeman put out this call, their Canadian readers were not invited to be delegates in the convention because the convention was for the emigration of those living in the USA. However, the article does note that Canadians may attend, but not as delegates. In addition, this first advertisement says that only five delegates from each state are allowed to attend. 

The image to the right is of the mentioned advertisement. 

The Emigration Convention

Delany, M. R. "The Emigration Convention." Provincial Freeman, 15 Apr. 1854. From Accessible Archives © 2016 Accessible Archives Inc.

Advertisements in Aliened American

Additionally, the Provincial Freeman prints an article correcting the original article about the convention that they published. This article says to look to the Aliened American for the correct convention information. Martin Delaney submitted this article. He tells the Provincial Freeman that "as your paper will also have an English or trans-Atlantic circulation, we desire to be properly represented in this movement, and not made to appear ridiculous among foreigners." He also corrects the original advertisement in saying that the number of allowed delegates was misquoted and that five is not the mininum amount of delegates allowed.

There is not an existing copy of the Aliened American with the original advertisement. Instead, the image to the right is of Delaney's article in the Provincial Freeman.

Frederick Douglass' Paper last advertisement for 1854 Emigration Convention


8 Sep. 1854. From Accessible Archives © 2016 Accessible Archives Inc.

Advertisements in Frederick Douglass' Paper

In the same article as mentioned in the above section, Delaney also criticizes Frederick Douglass' Paper for publishing erroneous information about the convention and not including a correction. Frederick Douglass' Paper also published an article announcing the close of the convention. Notably, it mentions that the creation of a quarterly periodical will be started thanks to the convention.

The image to the right is of the article mentioning the quarterly periodical.



Leslie Rewis. Taught by: Benjamin Fagan, Auburn University, Fall 2016.

Edited by Sarah Patterson.